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“Employee looking for Volunteering”

During the period of May 2014 and May 2015, Pro Vobis will implement the project called “Employee looking for Volunteering”, a project financed through the SEE Grants 2009-2014 included in the NGO Fond in Romania, with the purpose to develop and promote Employer Support Volunteering in Romania.

The most recent studies in Romania (2011) show an increase at the level of companies involvement in social responsibility projects, and also of the employees who express a significant desire to participate in community life through volunteering. The benefits for both parts are many and we can enumerate only some: good reputation of the company in the community, teambuilding and insuring the employees loyalty to the company by offering divers range of activities and opportunities to get involved. Even so, there is a low number of companies that have clear standards and procedures of offering  their employees volunteering opportunities and the necessary support. On the other hand, on the side of the NGO’s there is also a lack of professional knowledge and working procedures when it comes to work with companies as partners, to have volunteers who are employees and to adapt the activities to their specific needs and skills.

In this context, the project “Employee looking for Volunteering” had the purpose to create and develop a viable and multipliable model of Employer Support Volunteering, to involve the employees in the community with the support of their company, to promote volunteering inside the companies and the corporate environment and to capacitate the NGO’s to work with volunteers that are employees of companies.

In this project Pro Vobis will work both from Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest, involving directly 4 companies and 10 NGO’s, that will learn how to work together qualitatively and with the specialists in Pro Vobis, will develop a viable and multipliable model of Employer Support Volunteering and a set of instruments dedicated to increase the quality of these projects (internal policies, procedures and standards that state clear the support that companies offer for their employees in the volunteering activities, sheets of monitoring and evaluation of the activities and volunteers, model of volunteering contracts, etc).

10 teams of volunteers from 4 companies (2 from Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest), consisting in 50 employees, will beneficiate of a personalised volunteer activity that will offer them the possibility to get involved in their community and also to get to know their colleagues in a more non-formal environment. The employee’s  needs, wishes, skills and availability for volunteering will be assed based on an online questionnaire and a personalized workshop organized by Pro Vobis, and then matched with 10 NGO’s that can offer them the right volunteering activity. The teams of employees and also the NGO’s will benefit of personalised and continuous consultancy from Pro Vobis in all stages of the projects and of the activity management: matching, planning of the activity, monitoring, implementing and evaluation of the activity. At the end of all 10 volunteering activities, the companies will organize a Photo Exhibition with photographs from the activities of their employees.  The model created during the project will be disseminated through the country in specific workshops and conferences.

More about the project you can find on the dedicated website:, or you can contact us at: or , contact person: Daniela Temelie (coordinator for Cluj-Napoca activities) and Carmen Marcu (coordinator for Bucharest activities).

Pro Vobis

Misiunea PRO VOBIS este de a dezvolta voluntariatul prin activitati de instruire, consultanta, cercetare si facilitarea colaborarii tuturor factorilor interesati si de a promova voluntariatul in Romania ca resursa viabila si de neinlocuit in solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea.

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