Centrul Național de Resurse pentru Voluntariat

External relations

Our donors:

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (www.mott.org)

European Commission, through DG ECHO and the Grundtvig, Youth in Action, PHARE and ENEA programs

EEA Grants

MATRA, through the Embassy of Netherlands

CEE Trust (www.ceetrust.org)

Balkan Trust for Democracy (www.gmfus.org/balkantrust)

UNICEF (www.unicef.ro)

USAID/World Learning (www.worldlearning.org)

The Federation of NGOs Active in the Field of Child Protection (www.fonpc.ro)

Open Society Foundation (www.osf.ro)

Institutional affiliations:


CEV – European Volunteer Centre


VOLUM – The Federation of Organisations Supporting the Development of Volunteering in Romania

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CSR360 Global Partner Network


The Federation of Development NGOs in Romania


The Social Responsibility Network RSC

Over time, we collaborated with:

LEAP – (www.leap.ro)
ANPCDEFP – (www.anpcdefp.ro)
Ministry of Youth and Sports
FOCUS – The Romanian Center for Missingand Sexually Exploited Children (www.copiidisparuti.ro)
Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO UK) (www.vso.org.uk)
National Association of Citizen’s Advice Bureaus (www.robcc.ro)
A.R.T. Fusion Asssociation (www.artfusion.ro)
Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Center (www.centruldevoluntariat.ro)
Team for Youth Association (www.t4uth.ro)
Creativ Association
New Horizons Association (www.noi-orizonturi.ro)
Romanian Donors Forum (for The best annual reports competition)
Babes-Bolyai University and the Center for the Study of Democracy
School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest
Pro Democracy Association (www.apd.ro)
EU Delegation Information Center in Romania (www.infoeuropa.ro)
The Romanian Government’s Social and Institutional Analysis Bureau (www.gov.ro/drmpa)
Cluj-Napoca City Hall (www.primariaclujnapoca.ro)
Service Civil International – Romania (www.sci.ro)
ARC Association (www.arcromania.ro)
Points of Light Foundation, Washington D.C. (www.pointsoflight.org)