Centrul Național de Resurse pentru Voluntariat

Volunteering as a Tool for Inclusion

In summer 2013 the partnership consisting of volunteer centres and volunteer involving organisations from eight European countries started to implement the VTI Project – Volunteering as a Tool for Inclusion. The overall aim of this project is to increase the social inclusion of disadvantaged and marginalised groups through volunteering in partner countries and to share already existing experience/practices/tools in the field.

Project partners:

  • brīvprātīgais.lv, Latvia
  • Centro di Servizi per il volontariato Idea Solidale, Italy
  • Frivilligcentre og Selvhjælp Danmark (FriSe)
  • ÖKA – National Volunteer Centre, Hungary
  • Platform of Volunteer Centres and Organizations, Slovakia
  • PRO VOBIS – National Volunteer Centre, Romania
  • Volunteer Centre Osijek, Croatia
  • Volunteer Ireland

Project objectives:

  1. To share experience among partner countries on how to involve people from vulnerable groups into volunteering.
  2. To set up a framework for cooperation with different groups of vulnerable volunteers:
    • people with disabilities
    • unemployed people
    • seniors
    • people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds
    • other groups such as migrants, minority groups, etc.
  3. To provide framework for training of volunteer coordinators on how to approach and cooperate with these groups of volunteers.
  4. To collect good examples from partner countries that can serve as an inspiration for other volunteer centres and volunteer involving organisatins.

Time Frame: August 2013 – July 2015

During the project implementation, the international meetings will be held in all partner countries. The first meeting was organized in November 2013 in Bratislava, Slovakia and the second meeting in March 2014 in Dublin, Ireland.

EU_flag_LLP_EN-01 (2)This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.